Do you ever wonder what social networking sites you should be focusing your marketing efforts on?
This handy infographic breaks down the top social networking sites by
gender, age, income, and education demographics. We also discuss the
affinity score of certain keywords for a few social networking sites.
The sites included in this graphic are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Digg,
StumbleUpon and YouTube. Click on the graphic below for an enlarged
Key Points:
- MySpace has the greatest gender divide, with a 64% female and 36% male membership.
- Twitter has the largest division of wealthy users with 27% earning $75,000/year or more.
- Facebook has the largest division of older users with 37% being 45 years or older.
- Digg has the largest division of users with a graduate degree at 9%.
- Stumbleupon is very popular among graphic designers. You’re 14.2 times more likely to reach a graphic designer through Stumbleupon than if you were to cast your marketing message broadly across the internet.
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