Every year Google changes the way it’s search engine acts. They can
tweak settings here and there, and add new algorithms over 500 times a
year. Many of the changes will be minor and barely noticeable, however
some can be very major and can completely disrupt whole industries.
Gone are the days of where you could stuff the header of your site
with keywords, these days it’s all about content, social media
influence, link backs…etc. It’s all about making your site better for
the person coming to it. Creating relevant information, instead of
making irrelevant titles to produce traffic.
If you’re into web development and web design, SEO is one of the
biggest and most important things you could learn. And SEO optimisation
does work, trust me, I’ve optimised UltraLinx as much as possible where I
can and because of this I’ve been able to produce lots of traffic, new
readers and have keywords leading to my site. Search is my biggest
traffic driver.